Furniture and Accessories
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Southside Virginia cherry and yellow pine Chippendale table. Purchased as is without basses. HOA 29 in, WOA 31 in, DOA 20 in. Untouched condition, re-glued original corner, a few extra nails in top. A rare piece. |
Copper tea kettle. Signed Robson, Cincinnati, Ohio. |
Cherry four drawer chest. Child's size. Poplar secondary wood. Found in Nelson County. Virginia.
HOA 26 in., DOA 14 in., WOA 17in |
Walnut blanket chest. Southeastern Virginia. Circa 1760- 1780. Double fishtail strap hinges. Oak battens secured with wrought nails. Turned feet secured in wrought nailed on pads. Three pad and two front feet are original. LOA 31 in., HOA 17 in., DOA 18 in. |
Virginia yellow pine mantle, with original red paint under later coats. Circa 1780-1790. HOA 64 in. WOA 7 feet. Arched opening 62 in. x 43 in . Have 10 more early mantles in stock. |
Rhode Island mahogany Pembroke table, chestnut and maple secondary wood. Cross stretchers with molded legs. Circa 1780-1790. HOA 27 in. DOA 32 in. WOA 18 in. |